About Buy-Rite Distributors

“We are pleased to join RDA Advantage.  Buy-Rite looks forward to participating in the growth and the expansion of the the RDA A brand and organization.”
~George Kostidis, Owner

Buy-Rite’s headquarters are located in Glendale Heights, IL and has been in business for thirty-seven years.  Our dedicated team provides quick answers, fast turnaround on deliveries and the right product mix in stock.  Our experience not only includes product knowledge and shipping expertise, but warehousing and distribution, ROI, importing programs and product sourcing.

Coverage Area

George Kostidis, President
Mike Petitt, Vice President

Primary Contact:  Mike Petitt

80 Internationale Blvd
Glendale Heights, IL  60139

Phone:  630.350.1310
Fax:  630.350.9848

Buy-Rite Distributors website

Product Categories:
IA, IL, IN, MI and WI 
